Flamengo is going through a turbulent time in its behind the scenes. The the punch that Pedro suffered from physical trainer Pablo Fernandez caused the club fire the professional and punish the attacker. Furthermore, the player missed training this Monday, the 31st, at Ninho do Urubu. If he chooses to leave the club, the athlete has legal support to seek a contractual termination.
According to experts interviewed by Estadão, after the attack, Pedro is supported by article 483, paragraph F of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), if he decides to request a termination with the club, which will certainly make it difficult for the player to leave. “This is because this article defines that there may be a unilateral breach of contract in the case of aggression by the employer or his agent, which is the position in which Flamengo's physical trainer falls”, explains Pedro Henrique Zaithammer, a lawyer specializing in Sports Law. .